Ciara & Mikes wish upon a family (Ivf)

Quakertown , Pa (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Ciara & Mikes wish upon a family (Ivf)

by Ciara Brown

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $17,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $365.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$365.00 raised of $17,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Quakertown , Pa (US)

Ciara Brown is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hello, Thank you for clicking on my story. My name is Ciara I am a proud aunt of many nieces and nephews and wish that some day I can have my own family. I recently got married May 22.2021 to my amazing husband Michael. We have been together since 2014. We started trying for our own family in 2018. Growing up I was diagnosed with pcos I’ve spent many days evening and hours in and out of the ER due to cyst on my ovaries and the amount of extreme pain. Growing up I had in my mind that due to pcos I would be struggling having my own family, what I didn’t know is that I would still be fighting through this journey 4.5 years later. We did 4.5 years on our own through my obgyn and lots of medicine, I’ve struggled really bad with the side effects making me very sick. My obgyn made the decision it was time we see a fertility clinic. July 2021 we started our next step in this journey with the fertinily clinic in PA. We started off with many test, ultrasounds and visits. Everything has come back good to go. So with all the test coming back the doctor recommended to start the process of IUI. We started our next step with the treatments. We have been struggling every day with the financial burden of the pricing of the visits, treatments, meds and the IUI’s. Month by month we never know if we’ll be able to do another treatment due to the cost.I have searched for over a year to find an insurance and there is no insurance in pa that will cover the treatments. We have pushed through each month with the heart aches the burden of buying all the meds and also fighting through each day with the side effects of the medications, in and out of the ER doubled in pain due to my cyst bursting on my ovaries. A few months we had to take a break due to the size of the cyst on my ovaries it would be to unhealthy to due treatment. We are currently completed round 9 of IUI .we have tried all options with our iui treatments, this cycle we will be doing a double iui. But due it being our 9th round the doctor has been recommending our next step being Ivf but I keep telling myself this is the one this is the one, but it ends up being another negative test. It has come down to that I can no longer continue my IUI treatments that our next step is Ivf, we had our consult with our doctor and our total comes to 16,000 not including all my meds and 3rd party labs. We are beyond lost with words anymore and so heart breaking that it has come down to this. We have already spent over $10,000 for all our IUI treatments and meds and now they want us to do Ivf which is another $16-17000 on top of what we have already spent.

I am the last one to ask for help especially with finances, but it’s just sad to say that is what is stopping us with our journey. We know times are tough right now. But the little amount can make a whole difference in our journey.If you are not able to donate at the moment please say a prayer for me and my husband during this tough journey together.

Prayers for everyone going through this joruney??

Name Donation Date
Heather DeHaven $125.00 July 02, 2022
Nicole Scheel $15.00 May 30, 2022
Mark Kail $100.00 May 30, 2022
Megan Morris $25.00 May 29, 2022
Wendy Tharp $100.00 May 29, 2022
Megan Morris commented with a $25 donation about 3 years ago